Botanical name:Leucas suffruticosaFamily:Lamiaceae (Mint family)
Shrubby Leucas is a much branched undershrub, with
long and stout root stock; branches round, rigid, bristly with
erect-appressed hairs and few bristle-like spreading hairs. Leaves are
stalkless or nearly so, opposite, 1-3 x 0.15-0.3 cm, linear, blunt,
entire and curled-margined, fringed with hairs with bristle-like hairs,
white woolly beneath, leathery. Flower-whorls are many-flowered, at the
ends of 8-25 cm long, flowering-stem like woolly branches, sometimes
flowering stem further extends ending in an another whorl of flowers,
each whorl subtended by a pair of leaves. Bracts are upto 3 mm long,
about half as long as calyx, linear, setaceous, hairy. Calyx-tube is
6-7 mm long, bell-shaped, hairy with golden yellow hairs; mouth flat;
villi as long as teeth; teeth about 1 mm long, erect, spinulose.
Flower-tube is included or about 1 mm protruding from the calyx; upper
lip densely bearded with white hairs, shorter than lower. Nutlets about
3 mm long, oblong, narrowed towards base, smooth, brownish black.
Shrubby Leucas is found in Peninsular India. Flowering: June-August.
Identification credit: Siddarth Machado
Photographed in Niligiri Biosphere Reserve, Tamil Nadu.
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