Shrubby Dillenia is a medium-sized tree from Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo,
evergreen, up to 10 m. Leaves elliptic to ovate, 15-30 by 8-15 cm,
12-20-nerved, rounded to obtuse at apex, obtuse at base, base continuous
with petiolar wings. Leaf stalks 2-6 cm, with 4-10 mm broad persistent
wings enclosing terminal bud in young leaf. Flowers in up to 18-flowered
terminal simple or compound racemose inflorescences, 8-12 cm across.
Pedicel 1-3 cm. Sepals obovate, 15-22 by 8-12 mm. Petals yellow, 40-50 by
25-30 mm. Staminodes ca 100, 4-6 mm long, outside stamens. Stamens ca 175,
outer ones curved, inner ones reflexed at apex, from 8 (outermost) to 13
(innermost) mm long. Carpels 5-8, ca 5 by 2 mm with 10 mm long style; each
with 7-10 ovules. Fruit dehiscent, sepals reflexed, carpels spreading, red,
ca 20-25 by 10-16 mm.
Identification credit: Dinesh Valke
Photographed at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai.
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