Showy Silk Cotton Tree is a large deciduous tree very similar and often
mistaken for the red Silk Cotton Tree,
with an unarmed or slightly prickly trunk. Leaves are compound, with 7-9
leaflets arranged on a common petiole 7 to 10 inches long. Leaflets are
5-6 X 1-1.75 inches, obovate in shape, with a pointed tip. Petiolules very
short. Sepal tube is urn-shaped, slightly 2-lobed, 1.5 inches long,
sometimes prickly outside, densely silky within. The species name
insigne means striking, noted, spectacular. And it is a striking tree
indeed. Flowers are very showy,
scarlet, pink, creamy, or white. Petals 5, narrowed into the base, 3-6 X
1-1.5 inches, turned back. Stamens are long and numerous, arranged in
bundles of 50 or more and completely filling the flower cup. (This is a
very good distinguishing character to separate it from the Red Silk
Cotton.) Fruit is a capsule reaching almost a foot in
length by 2-2.5 inches in diameter, distinctly five-angled (another good
distinguishing character), filled with silky cotton and round seeds.
Identification credit: Dinesh Valke
Photographed at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra.
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