Shining Star Jasmine is a climbing, evergreen
shrub, with young shoots velvety, with copious milky latex. Leaves are
5-15 x 2.5 cm elliptic-lanceshaped, long-pointed, hairless, shining
green above, paler beneath with 10-15 pairs of lateral nerves.
Leaf-stalk is 4-8 mm long, velvety or hairy with glands at the axil.
Flowers are white, fragrant, bracts minute. Sepals are erect, about 2.5
mm long, divided deeply, forming a very short tube, lobes ovate,
rounded, ciliate. Flower tube is about 1 cm long, dilated at the top,
hairless, mouth hairy, petals overlapping to the right in bud,
spreading, obcuneate-cuneate, obliquely flat at the tip. Stamens do not
protrude out, connivent to the top of the style. Disc is 5-lobed,
erect, almost equalling the ovary, style threadlike. Fruit is 15-30 cm
long, about 0.5 cm wide, cylindrical, long-pointed. Seeds are about 1.5
cm long, brown, linear, flattened and obtuse. Shining Star Jasmine is
found in NW Himalayas, N. India, Nepal and Kashmir, at altitudes of
300-2200 m. Flowering: April-July.