Shaggy-Leaved Bassia is an annual herb, 10-50 cm
high, strongly divergingly branched from the base with stiff branches,
greenish or white-velvety. Stem and branches are covered with rather
long, spreading hairs. Leaves are alternate, semi-terete or terete,
blunt, narrowing towards base, hairy. Inflorescence wide-spreading with
very slender terminal branches. Flowers are mostly solitary, in leaf
axils. Tepals are hairy, bearing in fruit subulate, stellately expanded
broad-based outgrowths, 1-2.5 mm long. Seeds are almost round, smooth.
Shaggy-Leaved Bassia is found in W. and C. Asia, and Kashmir and
Ladakh. Flowering: July-September.
Identification credit: Prashant Awale
Photographed in Nubra Valley, Ladakh.
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