Shaggy Finger Grass
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Shaggy Finger Grass
P Native Photo: Ankush Dave
Common name: Shaggy Finger Grass • Hindi: Sager
Botanical name: Tetrapogon villosus    Family: Poaceae (Grass family)
Synonyms: Chloris villosa, Chloris tetrapogon, Chloris villosa var. sinaica

Shaggy Finger Grass is a sensely clustered perennial grass with erect 34-noded stems up to 40 cm tall, nodes black and prominent. Leaf-blades are 2-10 cm long, 1-2.5 mm wide, pointed or blunt; sheaths very strongly flabellate at the base of the stem. Flower-spikes are protruding, paired, dorsally adpressed, rarely separating at maturity, 2-8 cm long, pallid or purple-tinged. Spikelets are 4-6-flowered, all florets awned, the lowest 1-3 fertile; glumes dissimilar, the lower ovate-lanceshaped, 2-3 mm long, tapering, the upper ovate or elliptic-oblong, 3-4 mm long, abruptly pointed, blunt or flat with the nerve excurrent; lowest lemma ovate-elliptic, 2.511 mm long, with long spreading cilia on the lateral nerves and keel and with an awn 8-10 mm long; upper 2-3 florets sterile and reduced to hairless lemmas. Grain of lowest floret ovate-oblong. Shaggy Finger Grass is found in North Africa,West Asia to Western Himalaya. Flowering: March-September.

Identification credit: Ankush Dave Photographed in Agra, Uttar Pradesh.

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