Eastern Violets are interesting plants native to East
Himalaya and SE Asia. Shady Eastern Violet is a perennial herb with
stems 4-22 cm, rust-brown finely velvet-hairy towards the top. Flowers
are white to purple, 5-7 x about 1 cm in diameter; tube about 2.6 x 4
mm; upper lip about 4 mm; lower lip about 4.5 mm. Stamens are 3.2-5.2
mm. Pistil about 2 mm; ovary densely finely velvet-hairy. Sepal-cup is
about 4 mm; sepals broadly triangular, about 2 mm.
Flower-cluster-stalks are 2-4 cm, densely finely velvet-hairy; bracts
linear, 3-4 mm, above finely velvet-hairy. Normal leaves have
leaf-stalk 0.5-2.3 cm long. Leaf blade is strongly oblique, often
curved, ovate to obovate, 7-28 x 3.5-10 cm, above becoming hairless,
below sparsely finely velvet-hairy along veins, base oblique,
wedge-shaped to rounded, margin wavy-rounded toothed, tip tapering.
Reduced leaves are stalkless, oblique, obovate, 3-4 mm. Shady Eastern
Violet is found in forests, forest margins in valleys, at altitudes of
400-1100 m, in NE India, China, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam.
Flowering: February-June.
Identification credit: Momang Taram
Photographed in Arunachal Pradesh.
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