Scarlet Laurembergia is a procumbent herb; stem
hairy, reddish. Leaves are up to 1 x 0.5 cm, obovate or
inverted-lanceshaped, toothed, hairy. Female flowers are stalkless, in
leaf-axils, 3-5-together; sepals 4, 0.5 mm long, bristly; petals
absent; ovary 1-celled; ovules 4; styles 4; short. Male flowers are
stalked; sepals 4, similar to female flowers; petals 4, 3 mm long,
yellow; stamens 8, filaments short; anthers 3 mm long, oblong. Capsule
is 1-seeded, bristly, 1 mm long, subspherical. Scarlet Laurembergia is
found in Indo-Malesia. In India it is found in Southern India.
Flowering: January-March.
Identification credit: Siddarth Machado
Photographed in the Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu.
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