Scarlet Kleinia is a stunning, grey-leafed plant with a profusion of
scarlet flowers. The genus is named after the German zoologist, Dr Klein
(1685-1759). It is ideal for hot, dry spots in the garden. The plant grows
to a height of about 2 ft and is ideal for planting in rockeries or other
dry, sunny spots, as the scarlet flower heads add a splash of colour in
mid-winter. The succulent leaves, which are an attractive grey-green with
purpling on the underside, give the plant year-round appeal and add a
pleasing contrast when planted amongst short grasses or spring flowering
bulbs. The plant has a creeping, tuberous rootstock. Where it grows
naturally, it is browsed by animals. The plant can be propagated easily
from seed, stem cuttings and leaf cuttings. Scarlet Kleinia is native to
Africa, cultivated as a garden plant in India.
Identification credit: R. Vijayasankar
Photographed in Hyderabad & Delhi.
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