Rusty Nilgiri Balsam is a terrestrial herb, 10-25 cm
tall, with erect, hairless stem. Various parts of the plant are rusty
hairy, hence the name. Flowers are large, about 2 cm across, borne
singly in leaf-axils, rose-pink or purplish, binate or fascicled.
Flower-stalks are about the length of leaves, hairy. Lateral sepals 0.8
x 2.5 cm, linear, hairy, smaller than wings. Lip is saclike, without
spur, bottom of lip not with a small pit. Standard petal is rose-pink,
round, apiculate, distinctly keeled, with a short sharp point, not
bigger than all other petals and sepals. Wings are 2-lobed; basal lobes
rounded, distal lobes larger than basal ones. Leaves are opposite, 3-5
cm long, elliptic or heart-shaped-obovate, borne on stem, pointed or
tapering at tip, sawtoothed, bristly above, hairy on nerves beneath,
shortly stalked; leaf-stalks when not flattened and decurrent on stems.
Capsules are ovoid, 1 cm long; seeds dark brown, smooth and shining.
Rusty Nilgiri Balsam is endemic to Southern Western Ghats. Flowering:
Identification credit: Shrishail Kulloli
Photographed in Nilgiri Hills Tamilnadu.
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