Rusty Kanak Champa is a large tree up to 28 m tall.
Bark is brown, large flaky or exfoliating; outer bark red and inner
cream. Young branchlets are slender, round, tawny velvet-hairy and
star-shaped hairy. Leaves are simple, alternate, distichous; stipules
lateral, with two linear subulate appendages, densely star-shaped
woolly, falling off; leaf-stalk about 0.1 cm long, round, star-shaped
woolly. Leaf blade is 4.5-10 x 1.5-3 cm, narrow oblong-lanceshaped, tip
tapering, base asymmetric often subpeltate, margin entire, chartaceous,
tawny velvet-hairy and star-shaped hairy; midrib flat above; 3-nerved
at base; secondary nerves 5-7 pairs, ascending. Flowers are white,
solitary, in leaf-axils; flower-stalks up to 0.5 cm long. Sepal cup is
tubular, cylindric, brown-hoary outside, splitting into 5 linear
sepals, white silky within. Petals are 5, white, linear-oblong,
slightly smaller than sepals; staminal column adnate to the gynophore,
bearing 5 groups of 3 stamens each between the staminodes; ovary
superior, cylindric, ridged, woolly, within the tip of the column,
5-celled; style hairy at base; stigma simple. Capsules are brown,
5-angled, club-shaped, 5 x 1.3 cm, hairless; seeds winged at one end.
Rusty Kanak Champa is endemic to Southern Western Ghats.
Identification credit: Regy Yohannan
Photographed in Kerala.
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