Botanical name:Mallotus tetracoccusFamily:Euphorbiaceae (Castor family) Synonyms: Mallotus ferrugineus, Mallotus albus var. occidentalis
Rusty Kamala is a tree up to 12 m tall. Bark is
brown, warty, blaze cream. Young branchlets are flat. Leaves are
simple, alternate, spirally arranged, stalk 3-12.5 cm long, swollen at
both ends. Leaf blade is 8-25 x 6.5-20 cm, broadly ovate to circular,
tip pointed to long-pointed. The stalk is attached to the leaf in the
middle (peltate). Leaves are usually entire or trilobed when young,
leathery, densely white velvety beneath, 3-5 nerved at base. Flowers
are unisexual, dioecious, in axillary or terminal panicles, velvety.
Capsule is spherical, covered with soft wooly spines, seeds 6. Rusty
Kamala is found in India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar. In India it is found in
the Western Ghats through out.