Rudravanti is a shrubby, diffuse herb, a few cm to 30 cm high, arising from a woody perennial root-stock. It is commonly found in India along sandy
sea shores. Numerous stalkless leaves are very small, ovate, acute tipped,
hairy or ashy-velvety. Flowers are small, white or pink, nearly
stalkless in upper leaf axils, forming a many-flowered head. Sepals are 5,
flower is funnel-shaped, and stamens protrude out of the flower. It is
commonly in cultivated fields about Mumbai. Flowering: December-February.
Medicinal ues: According to Ayurved, it is bitter, pungent,
rough and hot in properties. The whole plant is used for medicinal
purposes. It is useful herb for asthma, bronchitis, dyspepsia, flatulence,
colic, anorexia, anemia, diabetes and skin disease.
Identification credit: Tony Rodd & Dinesh Valke
Photographed at Vasai Creek, Maharashtra.
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