Round-Petal Mussaenda is an erect or somewhat
climbing shrub with stout branches and rufous hairs. Flowers are orange
with round-ovate petals with a short point at the tip, throat hairy,
and a hairy flower-tube 2-2.5 cm long. Sepals are relatively large,
1.2-2 cm long, lanceshaped, ligulate, or inverted-lanceshaped, densely
to moderately bristly. Leaves are opposite; leaf-stalk 4-35 mm,
sparsely hairy to becoming hairless Leaf blade is drying membranous to
papery, green to brownish, elliptic-oblong, elliptic, or ovate, 12-21 x
8-11 cm, both surfaces sparsely bristly to hairy on blade and
moderately hairy along principal veins, base wedge-shaped to blunt, tip
pointed to tapering; secondary veins 6-8 pairs, tertiary venation
netveined; stipules deciduous, ovate to triangular, 5-8 mm, sparsely
brown hairy to becoming hairless, deeply 2-lobed, lobes pointed to
tapering. Flowers are borne in lax cymes, 6-15 cm, hairy, stalkless
with arching lateral axes; bracts lanceshaped or 2- or 3-parted, 5-10
mm, blunt to tapering. Round-Petal Mussaenda is found in Eastern
Himalayas, from Nepal to Sikkim, NE India, Burma, Yunnan, at altitudes
up to 1300 m.
Flowering: June-July.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Andro, Manipur.
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