Round Leaf Caper is a small shrub, growing up to
1-2 m high. It has many slender branches and alternately arranged
leaves which are nearly circular, 1-3 cm across. Thorns are reddish, of
two forms: if recurved 2 - 5 mm long, if straight and acicular, up to
18 mm long. White flowers, 2 cm across, occur on umbels in leaf axils.
They are typical caper form, with numerous long prominent stamens, and
white small petals, 0.6-0.6 cm long. Occasionally occurs in forest
clearings at high elevations in hills. The thorns in leaf axils are
highly variable, either short or recurved or long, straight and
acicular. Not infrequently, out of the two thorns, one is short and
recurved, whereas the other is long and acicular, the latter mostly
associated with small nearly stalkless, heart-shaped and
mucronate-tipped leaves. Round Leaf Caper is native to W. & S. India,
Sri Lanka, Bangladesh to Indo-China.
Identification credit: Pravin Kawale
Photographed in Maharashtra.
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