Rosy Rain Lily
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Rosy Rain Lily
ntroduced Photo: Ravinder Singh
Common name: Rosy Rain Lily
Botanical name: Zephyranthes rosea    Family: Amaryllidaceae (Nargis family)
Synonyms: Amaryllis rosea, Zephyranthes carnea, Hippeastrum carneum

Rosy Rain Lily are small flowers that are rose in color with a green base. The flowers are much smaller that of Pink Rain Lily, and the throat is distinctly green. Leaf blades are dull green, to 5 mm wide. Spathe is 2–2.8 cm. Flowers are erect to slightly bent, rose pink in color, funnel-shaped, 2.7–2.8 cm. Flower tube is green, 0.2–0.3 cm, increasing in diamter. Tepals are spreading, but not reflexed. Stamens are diverging, filaments filament like, 1–1.7 cm; anthers small 3-6 mm. A closely similar Large Anther Rain Lily has much larger anthers. Style is 1.8–2.7 cm, longer than perianth tube. Stigma is divided into 3, protruding out, 1–5 mm beyond anthers. Flowering: March-July.

Identification credit: Ravinder Singh Photographed in Jaipur, Rajasthan & Trichi, Tamil Nadu.

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