Botanical name:Leonurus royleanusFamily:Lamiaceae (Mint family) Synonyms: Leonurus cardiaca var. royleana
Rosy Motherwort is a perennial herb with erect,
4-edged stem. Leaves are long-stalked, mostly 5-nerved, ovate,
long-pointed, sharply toothed, somewhat 3-5-lobed, velvet-hairy above.
Flowers are borne in many-flowered whorls which are clearly separated.
Bracts are spine-tipped, almost equal to the sepals. Sepals are
spine-tipped, diverging. Flowers are hairy, pinkish, upper lip like a
hood, hairy, lower lip spreading, mid-lobe entire. Rosy Motherwort is
native Western Himalaya.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed at Guntarao Camp site, GHNP, Himachal Pradesh.
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