Rosy Flame-Acanthus
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Rosy Flame-Acanthus
P Native Photo: Momang Taram
Common name: Rosy Flame-Acanthus • Assamese: Baheka
Botanical name: Phlogacanthus vitellinus    Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthus family)
Synonyms: Justicia vitellina, Janasia rosea, Phlogacanthus quadrangularis

Rosy Flame-Acanthus is a shrub up to 1 m tall, with stem thin. Flowers are borne in 3.5-4 x 1-1.4 cm long clusters at branch-ends; bracts 2, 0.2-0.3 cm, bracteoles absent. Flower are inflated at the mouth, widened upwards, purplish pink, 1.2-1.3 cm, velvet-hairy. Sepal-cup is 0.4-0.6 cm, finely velvet-hairy. Leaves are 13-15 x 6-7 cm, elliptic, tapering, lanceshaped; lateral nerves 7-9 pairs. Gynoecium is light pink, 1-1.1 cm, seeds 1.9-2 cm, hairless. Rosy Flame-Acanthus is found in China South-Central, East Himalaya, NE India, Myanmar, Thailand. Flowering: February-April.

Identification credit: Ritesh Choudhary Photographed in Pasighat, East-Siang distt, Arunachal Pradesh.

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