Roselle is a robust branched shrub-like annual or biennial
plant that gets 4-7 ft tall and
almost as broad. Leaves are dark green leaves, about 6 in across, deeply
dissected into 5 narrow lobes. The stems, branches, leaf veins, and leaf
stalks are reddish purple. The hibiscus-like flowers are yellow and about
3 inches across. The sepals of the flowers are prominent, fleshy, bright
red. Sepal cup is about 1 inch in diameter. Sepals of roselle are used in
making juices, squashes, jellies, wines and pies. Roselle is native to
tropical Africa, clutivated in many places. but has has escaped
cultivation and become naturalized in tropical America and Asia.
Flowering: October-November.
Identification credit: Prashant Awale
Photographed at Luangmual, Aizwal, Mizoram & Surat, Gujarat.
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