Red Himalayan Gooseberry is a shrub up to 1.5 m tall,
hairless throughout; stems round, brown, much branched; branches 9-26
cm, slightly angular at upper part. Leaf-stalk about 1 mm; leaves
obovate, sometimes elliptic, 5-15 x 4-8 mm, thinly papery or
membranous, base broadly wedge-shaped or rounded, tip rounded or blunt;
lateral veins 4-6 pairs. Flowers are borne singly in leaf-axils,
flower-stalks with several bracteoles at base. Male flowers:
flower-stalks about 3 mm; sepals 6, oblong, about 1 mm, margin entire,
membranous, midrib thicker below, persistent in fruit; stamens 3.
Female flowers: flower-stalks about 8 mm; sepals and disk as in male;
ovary spherical; styles 3, spreading, deeply bifid. Fruits are
spherical, 3-4 mm in diameter, red, smooth, 3-locular, on 5-10 mm long
delicate stalks. Red Himalayan Gooseberry is found in open forests,
riverside scrub, at altitudes of 800-3000 m, in the Himalayas, from
Nepal to NE India, S. China and Indo-China. Flowering: June-September.
Identification credit: Ashutosh Sharma
Photographed in Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh.
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