Red Cutch Tree is a deciduous tree up to 8 m tall,
with bark rusty brown; rough, peeling off in thin flakes; branchlets
smooth, hairless, pale purplish-brown. Leaves are double compound,
alternate, stipulate; stipular spines short, hooked to 8 mm; axis 8-10
cm long, slender, grooved above, pulvinate, hairless; pinnae 10-15
pairs opposite, even pinnate, 2-4 cm long, slender, with a gland at the
base of lowest pair of pinnae and between 1-2 extreme pairs on upper
side; leaflets 30-60, opposite, stalkless, stipels absent; blade 4-10 x
1-2 mm, linear-oblong, base unequally flat, tip blunt, margin entire,
hairless, papery, midrib subcentral, lateral nerves obscure. Flowers
are yellowish-white, 2 mm across, in 1-3 clustered spikes in
leaf-axils, shorter than leaves. Calyx tube bell-shaped, 1 mm long,
5-lobed, hairless; flower three times as long as calyx, lobes
linear-lanceshaped, hairless; stamens many, fused at base; ovary
stipitate, sickle shaped, upto 1.5 mm, hairless; style thread-like;
stigma small, at branch-ends. Fruit a pod, 5-10 x 1.5-2 cm, stipitate,
flat, thin, hairless, strongly nerved, blunt at base, apically horned;
suture wavy, depressed between seeds; seeds ca.6, ovoid,
greenish-brown. Red Cutch Tree is found in Peninsular India, Sri Lanka
and Myanmar.
Identification credit: Siddarth Machado
Photographed in the outskirts of Bangalore and Anatapur (AP).
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