Radium Weed is an annual plant growing to between 5-30 cm tall. They are
commonly found small in size, growing as weeds of cultivation. Stems are
smooth, hairless. Leaves are oval-pointed, 1-3 cm long, with a smooth
margin. It has green flowers in three-rayed umbels. The glands, typical of
the spurge family, are kidney-shaped with long thin horns. In India it is
found in Mediterranean to Somalia, Europe to Western Himalaya, up to altitudes
of 2600 m. It is also naturalized in NE India. Flowering: Februay-October.
Medicinal uses:The milky latex sap is toxic, and used as a
therapeutic agent for the removal of warts and sunspots on the skin.
Recent work also suggests that it may also be effective in treating
superficial basal cell carcinomas.
Identification credit: Gurcharan Singh
Photographed on Govindghat-Ghangria trail, Uttarakhand & Srinagar, Kashmir.
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