Sickle-Bearing Balsam is an annual, robust herb about
1 m tall. Flowers are pale purple, about 3.5 cm deep; buds ovoid. There is
also a more common yellow form.
Lateral sepals 2, greenish, sickle shaped, about 2
mm, with tips like long antennas. Lower sepal is constricted into an
involute-incurved spur; tip green, long horned. Upper petal is spurred;
lateral united petals clawed; basal lobes red spotted, narrowly oblong;
distal lobes oblong-axe-shaped.
Flowers are borne in 5-10-flowered racemes in leaf-axils or
at branch-ends. Flowers-cluster-stalks are spreading, 7-10 cm.
Flower-stalks are 1.5-2 cm, slender, with bracts at base. Bracts fall
off, are ovate-lanceshaped, gland-tipped.
Stem is round, branched, hairless.
Leaves are alternate; leaf-stalk up to 5 cm. Leaves are
ovate-lanceshaped, 6-13 x 2-4 cm, with 2 stipitate basal glands,
hairless, lateral veins 7-9 pairs, base wedge-shaped, tip tapering.
Capsule is club-shaped. Sickle-Bearing Balsam is found in Assam,
China South-Central, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Tibet, at altitudes
up to 2000-2200 m.