Purple Heart Glory is a slender vine, 3-5 m long, commonly seen on bushes.
Alternately arranged ovate-heart-shaped leaves have purple botches in the
center. Upper leaves are sometimes sagittate or hastate, 2-6 X 2-5 cm,
smooth, base deeply heart-shaped or arrow-shaped, margin entire or
minutely wavy. White to pink-purple funnel shaped flowers occur in stalked
cymes. Flowers are 2.5-4 cm long, with a narrow tube flaring open into a
flat flower,and have a dark purple throat. Stamens do not protrude out.
Flowers open after sunrise and close before noon. The plant is found on
sea coasts and on saline soil. Flowering: All year
Identification credit: Pravin Kawale
Photographed in Maharashtra.
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