Prostrate Purslane is an erect or, more often,
prostrate herb up to 45 cm tall. Roots and stem bases are somewhat
woody. Stems are up to 1 m long, internodes with ridges decurrent from
leaf-bases. Leaf-stalks are winged, up to 1.1 cm long. Leaves are
obovate, up to 6.5 x 3.3 cm, base wedge-shaped, tip apiculate,
glaucous. Flowers are borne in lax, few- to many-flowered cymes,
somewhat raceme-like, bracts lanceshaped, up to 3 mm long.
Flower-stalks are 2-3 mm long. Sepals are about 4 mm long in fruit,
ovate with broad white margins. Staminodes, which look like petals, are
pink, mauve or purple, eventually longer than sepals, prominent.
Capsule are nearly spherical, yellow-green, shiny. Seeds with
concentric lines of tubercles. Prostrate Purslane is found in rocky and
sandy places Africa, W. Asia, India and W. Pakistan. Flowering:
Identification credit: M. Saradha
Photographed in Tamilnadu.
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