Botanical name:Indigofera prostrataFamily:Fabaceae (Pea family) Synonyms: Indigofera trifoliata var. nepalensis, Indigofera trifoliata var. prostrata
Prostrate Indigo is a herb, up to 30 cm high; branches
slender, prostrate to rising up. Flowers are pink-red, about 3 mm long;
flower-stalks about 1 mm long. Sepal-cup is velvet-hairy outside, cup
about 0.5 mm long, teeth about 1.5 mm long, narrowly triangular.
Standard is about 3 x 2 mm, elliptic, sometimes obovate, adpressed
hairy and copiously gland-dotted on the back; wing petals about 2.5 x 1
mm, hairless; keel petals about 2.5 x 1.5 mm, adpressed hairy and
copiously gland-dotted on the back, lateral spur about 0.8 mm long.
Staminal sheath about 2.5 mm long. Flowers are borne in stalkless
racemes 3-5 mm long, in leaf-axils, stalkless, spherical; axis
velvet-hairy, gland-dotted, 4-10-flowered. Leaves are digitately
trifoliolate; leaf-stalks 5-8 mm long, channeled above, velvet-hairy;
leaflet-stalks about 1 mm long; leaflets 10-18 x 5-9.5 mm, obovate or
inverted-lanceshaped, sometimes elliptic, velvet-hairy with prostrate
hairs on both surfaces, brown gland-dotted beneath. Pods are 15-20 x
1-1.5 mm, pointing backwards, straight, thread-like, almost cylindric,
torulose, shortly apiculate, 5-8-seeded, seams obscurely winged,
sparsely adpressed velvet-hairy and glanduliferous towards the tip.
Seeds 1-1.5 x 0.8 mm, rounded at both ends, shiny, brown. Prostrate
Indigo is found in India, Bangladesh and West Himalaya. Flowering:
Identification credit: S. Kasim
Photographed in Puzhal, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
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