Powdery Mistletoe is a parasitic shrub 1-1.5 m
tall, young branchlets velvet-hairy with white stellate and
verticillate hairs, soon mealy and then hairless. Branches are gray,
hairless, warty. Leaves are oppositely arranged, carried on 1.5-2 cm
long stalks. They are broadly ovate or ovate-oblong, 7-16 x 6-9 cm,
thinly leathery, both surfaces whitish velvety when young, hairless
when mature, lateral veins 4-6 pairs, base rounded to broadly
wedge-shaped, tip bluntly pointed. Flower racemes are solitary or 2- or
3-fascicled, axillary, 8-16-flowered, carried on stalks and rachis
2.5-3.5 cm, white stellate tomentose. Flower-stalks are 5-6 mm. Calyx
is pear-shaped, about 3 mm, limb annular. Mature buds are tubular, 3-4
cm, tip ellipsoid. Flowers are cream or yellowish, slightly curved,
densely velvety with white hairs, these longer than those on stems and
leaves, tip portion slightly inflated, lobes lanceolate, about 1 cm,
reflexed. Filaments are 2-3 mm; anthers about 5 mm. Style red; stigma
capitate. Berry is pear- or club-shaped, 6-10 x about 5 mm,
velvet-hairy. Powdery Mistletoe is found in the Himalayas, from Garhwal
to Bhutan, and Burma, and other parts of India, at altitudes of
200-1400 m. Flowering: August-March.
Identification credit: Krishan Lal
Photographed in Sirmaur Distt, Himachal Pradesh.
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