Pink-Bract Snow Lotus is a high altitude Himalayan plant, distinguished
by its often pinkish pale papery boat-shaped bracts, which surround the
dense flower-heads. Flower-heads are 1.5-2.5 cm long, borne on short,
dense woolly stalks. Bracts just below the flowers are densely woolly-
haired, narrow-lanceshaped with narrow tips. Boat-shaped bracts are 2.5-4
cm long. Leaves at the base are narrow-oblong, pointed, obscurely toothed,
with a very thick mid-vein narrowed to a broad leaf-stalk. Upper leaves
are half stem-clasping. Stem is 15-40 cm tall, often colored. Rootstock is
very stout, covered with old leaf-bases. Pink-Bract Snow Lotus is found
in the Himalayas, from Pakistan to Kashmir, at altitudes of 3600-5600 m.
Flowering: July-August.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Ladakh.
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