Botanical name:Arisaema murrayi var. sonubeniaeFamily:Araceae (Arum family)
Pink Cobra Lily is a perennial herb named in
honour of Sonuben N. Godrej who was a social worker and former Director
of the Naoroji Godrej Centre for Plant Research. Inflorescence arises
solitary, usually with male spadix, rarely androgynous spadix,
exclusively female spadix not seen. The stalk is 15 - 30 cm long, 0.4 -
0.8 cm diam., pink, tip green tinged with very faint white or purple
streaks. Spathe is 6.5-11.6 cm long, tube 2.5-4.7 cm long, 1.3-2.3 cm
diameter, cylindrical or narrowly funnel-shaped, mouth with curled
margins, convolute part of tube prominently veined, green in lower
half, with scarlet blotch of about 0.5 cm long externally on anterior
side where tube margins meet at base, faint purple or lavender in upper
half; limb expanded, ovate, tapering, 3.5 - 6.5 cm long, 2.5 - 3.5 cm
diam., light purple or lavender, distinctly veined, margins curled in
basal half, dark purple at base inside, curved forward so as to be
horizontal. Spadix is stipitate, curved, 4 - 8.5 cm long, stipe 2 - 4
mm long, androgynous spadix longer than staminate spadix. Leaves are
mostly solitary, rarely two in monoecious plants, leaf-stalk 12-40 cm
long, longer in monoecious plants; 0.6 - 1.5 cm diam. at base, 0.5 - 1
cm at middle and 0.3 - 0.7 cm at tip, light green in mature plants,
greyish-brown tinged when young; leaf blade subpedatisect, leaflets
5-9, stalkless, 5.5 - 17 x 1.7 - 6.5 cm, elliptic to obovate, base
wedge-shaped, tip falling off in monoecious plants, mucronate in
dioecious male plants, dark or pale green above, glossy below. Corms
are warty, flesh-coloured, hemispherical. Berries are 6-9 mm long and
1-1.2 cm across in the middle, obovoid-oblong, green when tender,
becomes orange-scarlet after maturity. Seeds spherical, 0.2 - 0.3 mm
long and 0.2 mm across, brown. Pink Cobra Lily is found in Western
Identification credit: Sushant More
Photographed in Junnar hills, Pune, Maharashtra.
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