Peruvian Water Primrose is a subshrub with branchlets
hairy, and leaves 8-12 x 3-4 cm, oblong-lanceshaped, tip pointed, base
narrowed, hairy; leaf-stalk to 1.5 cm. Flowers are yellow, about 5 cm
across; bracteoles up to 1 cm, deciduous; flower-stalk up to 2 cm;
calyx tube about 2 cm, hairy, 4-lobed, 1 x 0.5 cm, lanceshaped. Petals
are 4, up to 3 x 2 cm, nearly round, yellow; stamens 8; ovary 4-celled,
ovules numerous. Capsules are about 3 cm, oblong, slightly 4-angled.
Peruvian Water Primrose is found along the stream banks and fresh water
ponds from plains up to 300 m. It is native of new world tropics, now
naturalized throughout the tropics.
Identification credit: S. Kasim
Photographed at Pollachi, Tamil Nadu.
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