Panicled Sumac is a shrub or small tree, 2-6 m
tall; branchlets hairless, warty. Leaf-stalks are 2.5-4 cm, hairless,
channeled above; leaf blade digitately 3-foliolate or rarely
5-foliolate; leaflets stalkless; leaflet blade oblong or
inverted-lanceshaped, lateral leaflets 3-7 × 1.5-3 cm, at branch-ends
leaflet 6-11 × 2-4 cm, papery, base broadly wedge-shaped, entire or
shallowly wavy, tip blunt, lateral veins prominent on both sides.
Flowers are borne in panicles at branch-ends or in leaf-axils, 12-20
cm, with many slender branches, yellow hairy. Flower-stalks are about 1
mm, minutely velvet-hairy; flowers light yellow, 4- or 5-merous. Calyx
hairless, sepals blunt, ovate, about 0.5 mm. Petals are elliptic, about
1.5 × 0.8 mm, with feather-like venation pattern. Stamen filaments
about 0.5 mm; anthers ovoid, about 0.3 mm. Disk 10-lobed. Ovary
spherical, 0.5-0.8 mm in diam., hairless; styles 3, free; stigma
capitate. Fruit is nearly spherical, slightly compressed, about 4 mm in
diameter, exocarp orange-red at maturity, finally separating; mesocarp
glutinous. Flowering: September-November. Panicled Sumac is found in
Bhutan, NE India and Myanmar.
Identification credit: Anurag Sharma, Tapas Chakrabarty, Arun Kumar N.
Photographed in Turahalli, Bangalore.
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