Panicled Rock-Cress
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Panicled Rock-Cress
B Native Photo: Prashant Awale
Common name: Panicled Rock-Cress
Botanical name: Arabis paniculata    Family: Brassicaceae (Mustard family)
Synonyms: Arabis alpina var. parviflora

Panicled Rock-Cress is a biennial or short-lived perennial herb, 20-75 cm tall, densely to sparsely hairy. Flowers are borne in bractless racemes. Petals are white or rarely pale pink, oblong or narrowly inverted-lanceshaped, 4-6 x 1-2 mm, tip blunt. Filaments are 3.5-5 mm; anthers oblong, 0.8-1 mm. Sepals are oblong or nearly lanceshaped, 2.5-3.5 x 1-1.5 mm, hairless or sparsely velvet-hairy, not sac-like. Fruit is 2.5-5.5 cm x 1-1.5 mm, erect or diverging or rarely reflexed, hairless. Stems are erect, simple or few from base, often branched at middle. Basal leaves are in a rosette, present at flowering, leaf-stalk often absent, rarely distinct and to 2.5 cm. Leaves are inverted-lanceshaped, narrowly obovate, oblong, or lanceshaped, 2-6 x 1-2 cm, base narrowed, margin toothed, sawtoothed, or rarely entire, tip blunt or pointed. Middle stem leaves are stalkless, oblong, ovate, or elliptic, rarely inverted-lanceshaped, 1.5-4 cm x 4-14 mm, base heart-shaped or eared, rarely stem-clasping, margin toothed or entire, tip blunt or pointed. Seeds brown, oblong or ovate, 1-1.3 × 0.7-0.9 mm, narrowly winged on distal half. Panicled Rock-Cress is found in W. & Central Himalaya to Central China, at altitudes of 1300-3400 m. Flowering: April-August.

Identification credit: Tabish Photographed near Tso Moriri, Ladakh.

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