Pamir Yellow Star
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Pamir Yellow Star
P Native Photo: Tabish
Common name: Pamir Yellow Star
Botanical name: Gagea jaeschkei    Family: Liliaceae (Lily family)
Synonyms: Gagea pamirica, Gagea pamirica var. spitiensis

Pamir Yellow Star is perennial herb, growing solitary and in groups, usually single-flowered, very rarely 2-flowered. Tepals are widely or narrowly lanceshaped, tip rounded, 10-13 mm long, 2-3 mm broad, yellow inside, greenish-purple outside, inner whorl a little shorter. Anthers yellow, oblong. Ovary stalkless, oblong. Leaves on the flower-cluster-stalk are alternate, numerous, decreasing, linear, with bulbils at the base of lower leaf or nearly so. In juvenile plants vegetative bulbils in the form of group at the base of the bulb, in immature plants group of bulbils on the truncated flower-cluster-stalk at or above the level of soil in axils of several leaves, in generative plants single bulbils in axils of numerous leaves on the flower-cluster-stalk are present. Basal leaf single, linear, longitudinally furrowed, 1-2 mm broad, second basal leaf accretes with flower-cluster-stalk and is separated from it in the form of lower subinflorescence leaf. Pamir Yellow Star is found in Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Tadzhikistan, Uzbekistan, West Himalaya, Xinjiang. It has been reported from Lahaul-Spiti area in Himachal Pradesh. Flowering: April-July.

Identification credit: Tabish Photographed in Lahaul valley, Himachal Pradesh.

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