Botanical name:Mussaenda treutleriFamily:Rubiaceae (Coffee family) Synonyms: Mussaenda frondosa var. grandifolia
Open-Cyme Mussaenda is an erect or climbing shrubs
with branches warty. It is named In honor of William John Treutler
(1841-1915) Indian-born of English parents, physician and plant
collector. Leaves are opposite, up to 18 x 8 cm, broadly
elliptic-tapering, bristly on the veins on both surfaces; stipule
ovate-lanceshaped, up to 8 mm long, lobed halfway down, hairy without.
Fowers are borne in branch-end dichotomous cymes, with bracts and
bracteoles lanceshaped, subulate. Sepals are up to 1 cm long,
linear-lanceshaped, woolly outside, deciduous. Flowers are orange-yellow,
pinwheel-like, outside densely spreading hairy; tube about 2.2-3 cm;
petals ovate, 5-7 mm, up to 10 mm, pointed to tapering. Fruits are
spherical or ellipsoid, becoming hairless, up to 1 cm across.
Open-Cyme Mussaenda is found in thickets or dense forests on
mountains, at altitudes of 1000-2000 m, in Yunnan, Bhutan, NE India and
Nepal. Flowering: July-September.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Chandel distt, Manipur.
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