Olax-Leaf Caper is a shrub or small tree, 1-5 m tall,
with spreading branches. Spines in leaf axils are slender, straight,
3-5 mm. It is very similar to Capparis sabiifolia which has no spines
in leaf axils. Leaf-stalk is 5-6 mm, leaf blade ovate, 7-13 x 4-5 cm,
2.2-2.6 times as long as wide, above rather glossy, surfaces soon
becoming hairless, secondary veins 5-7 on each side of midvein. Base is
rounded, tip gradually tapering, blunt to slightly pointed and
mucronulate. Flowers are born (generally) in pairs, in leaf-axils.
Flower-stalks are 0.7-1.5 cm, sepals 8-10 x 4-5 cm, margin membranous
and woolly; sepals of outer whorl boat-shaped, ovate, surfaces hairless
but margins woolly, tip pointed; sepal of inner whorl elliptic. Petals
are white, 17-22 x about 5 mm; anterior petal pairs obovate, about 2 mm
longer than posterior pairs, outside woolly toward tip and along
margin, tip rounded; posterior petal pairs with a pale purple or yellow
blotch. Stamens are 34-38; filaments 2.8-3.5 cm; anthers about 2 mm.
Fruits are spherical, 7.5-10 mm across, tip beaked with persistent
about 2 mm style. Olax-Leaf Caper is found in NE India, Bhutan, China,
Myanmar, Nepal, at altitudes of 600-1500 m. Flowering: April-June.
Identification credit: Satish Maurya
Photographed in Melli, Sikkim-Bengal border.
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