Ochre-Yellow Dendrobium
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Ochre-Yellow Dendrobium
P Native Photo: M. Sawmliana
Common name: Ochre-Yellow Dendrobium • Mizo: Naubân
Botanical name: Dendrobium ochreatum    Family: Orchidaceae (Orchid family)
Synonyms: Callista ochreata, Dendrobium cambridgeanum

Ochre-Yellow Dendrobium is a small to medium sized, tree-dwelling, terrestrial or rock-dwelling orchid, and has short, drooping, curved, swollen noded stems with red streaks and spots, and carries 15 ovate-lanceshaped, thin, deciduous leaves. The plant blooms in the winter, spring summer and fall on many very short, simultaneous inflorescence that arise from every node of the newly formed stem and has 1 to 3, fragrant, long-lived, velvet-hairy lipped flowers per inflorescence. Flowers are fragrant, ochre-yellow to golden-yellow, disk of lip blood-red or maroon, sepals oblong blunt, petals larger quite entire, mentum stout, lip with a convolute claw and circular concave blade, velvet-hairy, margins revolute, erose. Ochre-Yellow Dendrobium is found in E. Nepal to NE India and Indo-China, at altitudes of 1200-1600 m. In India the orchid is particularly notable in Manipur, Meghalaya and Mizoram. Flowering: April-May.

Identification credit: M. Sawmliana Photographed in Hmuifang, Mizoram.

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