Nodding Carpesium is an annual herb, usually 1-2 ft
tall, with fine pale hairs to somewhat cottony. Leaves are elliptic to
obovate, lower ones about 10-18 cm long and 3-5.5 cm wide, upper ones
usually 4-7 cm long and 1-2.5 cm wide. Leaf-stalks are up to 2 cm long.
Flower-heads occur singly, at the ends of main and side branches,
usually subtended by 1-several small leaves and looking down. Outer
involucral bracts are spreading or reflexed, lanceshaped or elliptic,
pointed, entire, velvety. Inner bracts are narrow-oblong, acute, obtuse
or rounded, margins often slightly toothed, erect. Florets are yellow.
Seed-pods are about 4 mm long.
Identification credit: Gurcharan Singh
Photographed in Kashmir.
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