Nilgiri Oberonia is an stemless orchid, found
drooping from tree branches. It is named for M. S. Swaminathan,
Chairman of the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, India.
Leaves are 4-6, pale green, jointed at base, 15-16 x 1.6-1.8 cm,
distichous, oblong-ensiform, pointed or tapering at tip. Flowering stem
is shorter than the larger leaf, up to 14 cm long, flattened, adnate to
the reduced uppermost leaf. Flowers are borne in a many-flowered spike,
about 13 cm long, with a distinct sterile about 1 cm long tip, slightly
decurved; bracts slightly larger than the ovary and flower-stalk, about
2.0-1.5 mm, elliptic-oblong, deeply rounded toothed, somewhat
pointed-rounded at tip, gland-dotted. Flowers are tiny, brick-red,
spirally arranged, shortly stalked or nearly stalkless, about 4.2x1.4
mm, about 2 mm across. Capsules are short-stalked, crowned by the
marcescent flower. Nilgiri Oberonia is endemic to Southern
Western Ghats. Flowering: August-November.
Identification credit: S. Jeevith
Photographed in the Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu.
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