Nilgiri Marble Tree is a tree up to 20 m tall, with
bark dark grey, smooth; branchlets sympodial, slender. Leaves are
simple, alternate, clustered at the tip of branchlets; stipules free,
lateral, falling off. Leaf-stalk is 2.5-5 cm, very slender, hairless,
slightly swollen at tip and base. Leaves are 4-10 x 1.7-5 cm, ovate or
ovate-lanceshaped, base round or blunt, tip tapering or tip falling
off, margin rounded toothed or sawtoothed, curled, hairless, papery,
nerve axils glandular beneath; lateral nerves 3-6 pairs, pinnate,
prominent, intercostae netveined, slender, prominent. Flowers are
bisexual, white, in short drooping in leaf-axils racemes; sepals 5, 8
mm long, lanceshaped, thinly woolly; petals 5, white with reddish lines
at base, ovate-lanceshaped, laciniate, densely silky on both sides,
inserted round the base of glandular disc; stamens numerous, inserted
between the glands on the disc; anthers awned with long bristle; ovary
densely superior, silky hairy, placed on the torus, 2-celled, ovules 2
in each cell; style subulate, entire. Fruit is a drupe, blue, oblong,
round, hairless, glaucous; stone 1-2 seeded. Nilgiri Marble Tree is
endemic to the Western Ghats - South and Central Sahyadris. Flowering:
Identification credit: S. Jeevith
Photographed in the Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu.
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