Nilgiri Everlasting is an interesting species of
paper daisy which comes from South India. It is a herb upto 30 cm tall,
usually branched; stems stout, covered with somewhat rusty brown-white,
appressed, dense woolly velvety hairs. Leaves of flowerless branches
are clustered, linear-lanceshaped, 3-6 x 0.3-0.7 cm; those of the
flowering branches alternate, linear, base nearly stem-clasping,
pointed and slightly recurved at tip, margins recurved, 1.4-4 x 0.2-0.6
cm; thick, densely woolly on both surfaces; nerves 3-5, prominent,
closely set, parallel raised on lower surface, stalkless. Flowers-heads
are borne in subspherical, corymbose clusters, about 2 mm across;
flower-cluster-stalk about 2 mm long, densely clothed with
ferrungineous woolly growth. Involucral bracts scarious, 3-4-seriate;
of the outermost whorl elliptic, suffused with charred brown, specially
towards the lower end, covered with dense woolly pubescence. Ray
florets with thread-like flower, about 1.8 mm long, minutely toothed.
Disc florets with flower about 2 mm long, 4-5-toothed. Achenes about
0.3 mm long, round, subcompressed, papillose. Pappus hairs white,
minutely bristly. Nilgiri Everlasting is endemic to Western Ghats.
Flowering: November-April.
Identification credit: S. Jeevith
Photographed in The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu.
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