Nettle Leaved Chirita is a herbacious plant with
unbranched stem, 20-45 cm tall. Flowers are red-purple, streaked with yellow
in the throat, funnel-shaped, 2-lipped, drooping, up to 5
cm long. They are borne one to several, on sparingly hairy stalks. Flower
tube is inflated on the upper part, with rounded petals. Sepal cup is
bristly-haired, 2-3 cm long, with lance-shaped sepals. Leaves are
elliptic, long pointed, saw-toothed, up to 13 cm long. The name Chirita is
derived from a Sanskrit name. Nettle Leaved Chirita is found in the
Himalayas, from W. Nepal to SW China and Burma, at altitudes of 1000-2400
m. Flowering: August-September.
Identification credit: J.M. Garg, Momang Taram
Photographed in North Sikkim & North Bengal.
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