Nepali Paper Bush is a small tree, up to 3-4 m tall, with brownish red
stem. Leaves are narrowly elliptic to elliptic-lanceshaped, 6-10 cm long,
2.5-3.4 cm wide, on 4-8 mm long stalks. Both surfaces are velvety, with a
wedge-shaped based and a pointed tip - lateral veins are 8 or 9 pairs.
Flowers are borne in round clusters in leaf axils and at the end of
branches. The clusters are 3.5-4 cm in diameter, with numerous flowers.
The clusters are carried on pendulous stalks 2-2.5 cm. Sepal tube is 1.5
cm long, densely white velvety on the outside, with 4 lobes, yellow
inside. Drupe is ovoid, densely velvety. Nepali Paper Bush is found in
forests and moist places in the Himalayas, from Uttarakhand to NE India,
at altitudes of 1000-2500 m. A high-class paper is made from the
bark. The bark fibres are used. This species is said to be the best
of the various species that are used to make hand made paper in the
Himalayas. The stems are extremely supple and can be tied in knots.
Flowering: November-April.
Identification credit: Nongthombam Ullysess
Photographed in Fambong Lho Wildlife Sanctuary, Sikkim.
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