Neesam Ginger is characterized by flowers borne in
spikes 6-25 cm long, which can be as large as 45 cm. Flowers are longer
than the bracts, 4-6 cm long, one per bract. Flowers are yellow, with
lip dark yellow, mid-lobe ovate, longer than the lateral lobes and
deeply cut upto 3/4th. Red spots form two lines for each segment. Leafy
shoot is 0.5-2.2 m tall, erect, thick, fleshy, basal region purplish
red and upper part purplish red with green tinge. Leaves are shortly
stalked, 7-35 cm long, 2-6 cm wide, lanceshaped, entire, tip
long-pointed. Neesam Ginger is found in the Western Ghats.