Natal Lily
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Natal Lily
ntroduced Photo: Thingnam Girija
Common name: Natal Lily, Long-neck Swamp Lily, Moor's Crinum
Botanical name: Crinum moorei    Family: Amaryllidaceae (Nargis family)

Natal Lily is a beautiful Crinum native to the forests of the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. The large bulb, up to 20 cm in diameter, rests just under the surface of the soil but has an elongate neck which protrudes a further 20-30 cm above the ground. The long, flat, dark green leaves, up to 1 m long and about 20 cm wide, emerge in a rosette from the neck. A long flowering stalk, up to 1.2 m or more, is produced from the bulb carrying a cluster of 5-10 large, open, white to pale pink lily-like flowers.

Identification credit: Tabish Photographed in Shillong, Meghalaya.
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