Narrow-Pod Pea-Shrub is a woody shrub, 3-5 ft tall,
branches densely hairy, hairs spreading. Leaves are trifoliolate,
leaf-stalk 0.5-2.5 cm long, densely hairy. Leaflets are up to 1.8 cm
long, 1.3 cm broad, obovate, blunt, flat or retuse, often with a short
sharp point, hairless above, densely silky below; stipules about 2.5-3
mm long, triangular, tapering. Flowers are borne in leaf-axils, in
racemes about 3.8 cm long, stalkless, silky. Bracts are ovate, silky,
persistent. Flower-stalks are 3.5-8.0 mm long. Sepal-cup is 5 mm long,
silky velvet-hairy, teeth about twice as long as the tube. Flowers are
about 1 cm long, dark red, keel sharply incurved pointed. Fruit is
about 1.3 cm long, oblong, gradually narrowed above, velvet-hairy.
Narrow-Pod Pea-Shrub is found in the Himalayas, from Kashmir to W.
Nepal, at altitudes of 1900-2200 m.