Botanical name:Nepeta linearisFamily:Lamiaceae (Mint family) Synonyms: Glechoma linearis
Narrow-Leaved Catmint is a perennial herb with
several, erect stems, 1-2 ft tall, arising from a tuberous or fusiform
rootstock, branched or not, leafy. Leaves are linear, 2.5-9 cm x 1.5-5
mm, stalkless, base narrow, entire-margined, pointed, densely hairy
below with stalkless oil globules. Flowers are borne in an ovoid head
or an oblong spike, continuous or interrupted, up to about 4 cm long.
Inner bracts are linear-subulate, ciliate, shorter than sepals. Flowers
are congested, flower-stalks 1-2 mm. Sepal is 9-10 mm, purplish,
tubular-obtriangular, glandular-hairy, throat straight, teeth about 1/2
as long as the tube, long-pointed, spiny. Flowers are lilac to
purplish pink, 1.2-1.5 cm, tube protruding, slightly curved, upper lip
hooded. Narrow-Leaved Catmint is found in Pakistan, Kashmir, and NW
Flowering: May-June.
Identification credit: Gurcharan Singh
Photographed below Gulmarg, Kashmir & Lahaul, HP.
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