Narrow-Leaf Pouzolz's Bush
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Narrow-Leaf Pouzolz's Bush
P Native Photo: Angela Pangkam
Common name: Narrow-Leaf Pouzolz's Bush
Botanical name: Gonostegia pentandra    Family: Urticaceae (Nettle family)
Synonyms: Pouzolzia pentandra, Pouzolzia longifolia, Pouzolzia neilgherrensis

Narrow-Leaf Pouzolz's Bush is a perennial, erect to prostrate herb, up to 1 m tall, hairless to sparsely bristly. Stem is cylindrical below, angular above. Leaves are opposite below, alternate and gradually smaller above, stalkless or with upto 5 mm long leaf-stalk. Leaves are lanceshaped or linear-lanceshaped to oblong, 2-10 cm long, 0.5-1.8 cm broad, hairless, somewhat heart-shaped or rounded at the base, margin entire, minutely spinulose, tip pointed-tapering or rarely blunt; stipules ovate, 1-2 mm long, membranous. Flowers are borne loosely clustered in upper leaf axils, greenish-white or pinkish-green; female stalkless, male with 2.5-3.5 mm long flower-stalk. Calyx of male flowers 5-lobed, sepals shortly tapering, abruptly incurved, fringed with hairs. Stamens are 5, about 2 mm long. Narrow-Leaf Pouzolz's Bush is found in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, to SE Asia, at altitudes up to 1000 m. Flowering: June-September.

Identification credit: Ashutosh Sharma, NIdhan Singh Photographed in East Siang district, Arunachal Pradesh.

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