Musk Larkspur
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Musk Larkspur
ative Photo: Anzar Khuroo
Common name: Musk Larkspur • Chinese: 囊距翠雀花 Nang Ju Cui Que Hua • Hindi: मखोटी Makhoti • Nepali: विषादि घाँस Bishadi ghans • Urdu: मुश्क दाना Mushk Dana, गुले मामून Gul-e-Mamoon
Botanical name: Delphinium brunonianum    Family: Ranunculaceae (Buttercup family)
Synonyms: Delphinium jacquemontianum

Musk Larkspur is a perennial herb growing mostly on scree. It can grow to 20 cm tall, and has a strong musky smell. Leaves are rounded, lobed to two-thirds - lobes are toothed. Flowers are blue to purple, large, 3-5 cm including the spur. The flowers look inflated and rather papery, woolly haired, and sometimes prominently veined. Flowers are borne is small dense cluster. The upper petals forms a backward-projecting broad blunt spur. Inner petals are blackish. Musk Larkspur is a high altitude plant, found at 4300-5500 m. Flowering: July-September.

Identification credit: Anzar Khuroo Photographed in Kashmir.

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