Mountain Soldierbush is a climbing shrub, 1-2 m tall;
branchlets velvet-hairy. Leaf-stalk are 5-10 mm; leaf blade lanceshaped
to ovate-lanceshaped, sometimes oblong, 8-14 x 1.5-4 cm, sparsely
bristly, base blunt to rounded to somewhat heart-shaped, tip tapering
to with a tail-pointed. Inflorescences terminating leafy branches, with
sparse branches, 2-15 × 4-10 cm, bristly. Flowers are unilateral,
stalkless. Sepal-cup parted to middle or slightly below, about 2 mm,
bristly; lobes lanceshaped to triangular-lanceshaped. Flower-tube is
about 6 mm long. with white lobes. Stigma is stalkless at tip of
spherical ovary. Fruit is nearly spherical, about 5 mm in diameter.
Mountain Soldierbush is found from E. Himalaya to China (Yunnan) and
Medicinal uses:
In Manipur, infusion of roots is for used for bathing convalescing babies.