Mountain Roscoe Lily is among the most common wild flowers of the north
Indian hills and grows best during the rainy season at altitudes of about
2500-4000 m. Roscoea is a small genus of Asiatic herbs named in honour of
William Roscoe, who was the author of a work dealing with these plants of
the Himalayas. Mountain Roscoe lily grows about 20 cm high and has oblong
or linear
leaves 6-10 cm long. Sometimes the plant flowers without leaves, which come
out later, giving the leafless bloom the look of an orchid. The flower is
of a deep purple colour, though sometimes white ones are also seen. It has
an interesting appearance with its upper petals arching in a helmet-like
structure, and the modified stamen forming a large petal-like lip. A
closely related, much taller species
Roscoe's Lily, with much larger
flowers, grows in the U.P. hills and further
east and has roots that are used in veterinary medicine.
Identification credit: Shaista Ahmad
Photographed in Kufri, Himachal Pradesh.
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